Well, isn't finding this timely! I was over on Amanda Palmer's Substack this week (she gave you a shout-out, by the way, in her monthly AllThing post, which is how I found that you'd joined our Substack ecosystem. Huzzah!) and someone provided me with this quote from "the singer of Pat the Bunny", which is a true statement but also made me snort:

"Redemption stories are nice, but I think the reality is more like sweeping the floor. In our bare feet we notice that the floor is dirty, and then we can sweep the floor or not, but either way it will be a new situation tomorrow. We can't treat this as a problem; there is not a solution to it. But a clean floor is nice to walk on anyway, and someday we may even be able to sweep the floor because we respect the dignity of our feet and not because we are afraid of the dirt. Some days, that's why I sweep now."

The "Huzzah!" is entirely due to the fact that I've been binging The Great over on Hulu. Have you seen it? It's bawdy and beautifully acted and aesthetically opulent. Fabulous costumes and so many bosoms!

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Oh, dang! I asked a question somewhat inadvertently in the course of conversation and didn't tell you where I am, which you politely requested. Bad form, that. I'm in Ithaca, NY.

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Great response! When I find myself swirling in a storm of worry, it's likely following too much time on a screen and not enough connecting with real live humans. This forum feels like a brief, comfortable hybrid of media and human connection. Thanks!

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A good way to reduce is with subtraction. An excellent book by Leidy Klotz called " Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less". We naturally try to add but with sometimes less is the better answer.

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I have been working with my therapist a lot on the element of creating the space you seek. I recently received an ADHD diagnosis throughout my time with my therapist and it turns out, I frequently go with the ebbs and flows of whatever calls to me at that moment - so hearing your explanation of what it means to stay committed to what is sacred is so compelling and appreciated. Thank you for sharing!

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And do say hello to your "legendary bride."

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Wednesday is the correct day for a bath

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I appreciate your Zen of a clean work space prior to starting a new project. My hard skills came from being a Girl Scout, so I'm always prepared and can start a fire without a fire starter. Although these are handy to me, they may not be considered useful to other people. What hard skills do you possess that you feel both yourself and others can benefit from?

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Love this. Biggest gain I’ve felt in the past few months is purposely putting my phone away for a few hours at a time, especially in the evening. It’s amazing how you can feel your brain start to defrag, take in the environment and people around you, and focus on one thing at a time. We’ve become so conditioned to distractions we’ve forgotten how attention and singular focus feels. Thanks for making this your topic today.

Any chance to get your audio added to PocketCasts? Looks like it’s not found in their app. Thanks, Nick Offerman and crew!

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Thank you for answering my silly questions; your answer was most helpful, and pretty much verifies the tired old adage of the early bird and the worm. But what's really been keeping me up at night is, why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? I mean, it's not like he's out there, living in the jungle giving himself a clean, close shave, is he?

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Thank you so much for such a great insight Nick! Have a beautiful day as well, Céline

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Hey Nick - long time/first time. I've taken a lot of wisdom about this exact topic from your excellent books, but would like to take this opportunity to personally ask for advice on how to be a good husband. Also, I know y'all don't have kids, but what kind of advice would you give someone expecting to be a father for the first time? I'm asking for a friend. Who is me.

Also, also, for years, I've had exactly one recurring bit I do at parties at stuff. I say, "This is my impression of Nick Offerman's long lost son confronting Nick Offerman for the first time." And then I arch my eyebrow, nod meaningfully, and I say, "Father." This works better in person, admittedly, but it tends to make folks laugh and wanted to tell you about it.

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I hope you don’t mind me chipping in, I love your questions! I would guess that anyone asking such things of himself is already well on their way to being an amazing husband and father 🤗 I remember hearing it said that the best thing any father can do for his children is to love, respect and cherish their Mother. Mr Offerman seems to be well practiced in the loving, respecting and cherishing his good lady department so you are very wise to ask him. Tell your friend he’s going to be a great dad 🤗

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I want to draw your Donkey Thought some time. As your response is loading, imagine a time lapse video of it happening slowly. We should chat about it sometime.

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I read this in your voice and lol'd at the let me pause the podcast to check said multitude of distractions. And absotively poselutely love your thoughts . My friend who is also an actor is of same mind as you and since he lives traveling he disconnects from SM well tries to most times successfully

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Thanks for sharing such great tips on how to carve out space for yourself to slow down and be present in the moment. I used to think I was alone in wanting to break away from the screens and digital noise.

But lately, I think it's something all or most of us want. We just don't know how to take the first step.

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