Hello Nick,

Thank you for Donkey Thoughts! I save them up for when I need a bit of a levity on a drudgerous day and they always do the trick.

I thought you might be interested to know there is a miller in Gilroy that spent much of his younger years living in Japan. He has a great affinity for the aesthetic and his son likewise spent several years there working at a furniture and wood working venture associated with George Nakashima. He’s a very interesting guy if you get him going. The business is called Baker Hardwoods. It’s been a couple years since I was there, but they had an impressive inventory of slabs and he was kind enough to share a look at some of the furniture he’s made over the years.

Just to be clear, I do not work for them and in fact they wouldn’t even know who I am. I just thought I’d pass along what might be an interesting lead someday.

I hope you’re having a terrific Tuesday!

Cheers! from Gilroy, CA

Cammie Brown

Side note; thank you for introducing me to the works of Wendell Berry. I'm enjoying his poetry.

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I don't know why, but I'm very interested in your idea on Scientology. Many of your "peers" (other actors) are really into scientology. Personally, I know next to nothing about it, and I'm not ultimately curious to drive into it, but what are your thoughts?

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Hi Nick - now that got my day going just right. I often struggle for a work/life balance and at 72 I realize that I have it pretty good. I can do meaningful work, play some. learn some and feel good (mostly). I have been blessed to have you and your wisdom as part of my life - sorry if this is a bit sappy but it is true.

I am going to the Catskills Makers Camp with Jimmy in a few weeks - it will be good to hang out with him - a friendship that came about because of you.

Much love from Ted and I and our pooch Rosita.


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