White oak also has the virtue of being the wood of the boubon barrel, which goes on to be used for aging many spirits around the world, since it can only be used for bourbon once. White oak, delivering deliciousness the world over.

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Your ode to wood reminds me of the temperament of so many songs by the prophet John Prine... Particularly 'Please Don't Bury Me'

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April 7th is the heart wrenching anniversary of his passing and on that day you'll find me hoisting a glass of vodka and ginger ale

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Boy did I love this chat! Fun, tangentially related fact about Lignum Vitae… This was the preferred wood for turning wassail bowls.

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I love the sign off with the Icarus's Bootstraps icon. But can you please contextualize it for.ua curious folk? Please and thank you.

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One forgets that we indwell and sail in trees...specific types. One would do well to remember. Thanks for the reminder and lesson. And I thank you for the hilarious swing through your exposition on your appearance.

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"No, ma'am." Samesies!

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I have a love for mesquite wood; the beauty of the warm, rose-gold grain is enhanced by the intoxicating scent of its bar-be-que incense.

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To address the nuance provided by white oak, when quarter-sawn and sanded thin it is an excellent tone wood which bends easily and makes a great back and side set for guitar building. It's too bad they couldn't have made that damn boat out of recycled plastic so that the oak could live closer to humans in their homes and hands.

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My guess is you are a team Roy type. (As in Roy Underhill). My vote for wood would be osage orange if it were available in nice clear lengths. That or maybe locust. Awe hell, their all good.

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