I am surprised how sad I feel. You’re always a very wise, kind, grounding force and I’ve appreciated all your words and thoughts. Thank you for all you’ve done for this community. I wish you and your bride happiness. Be safe and well. ☮️

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Hi Nick,

You will be greatly missed out here in the Substack world. Thank you for introducing me to the works of Wendell Berry and your own words of wisdom as well. I have genuinely enjoyed your books and frequently listen to "Gumption" as I drift off at night. Not sure if that's weird but it works and so be it. I look forward to dining from whatever may be on the menu on all those other plates in the near future! Be well.

Kindly, Cammie from Gilroy.

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I'll miss seeing/hearing from you every week. I appreciate your stories, suggestions, good humor and heart. :) Good for you for taking care of yourself though. Big hugs ❤️

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Thank you for sharing your wisdom (and random musings) with us thus far. While I'm sad to see this go, I look forward to any surprise installments that you may be inspired to share with us in the future. Best of luck with your other plates, Nick.

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OH I'm so sorry to hear that Nick, I've really enjoyed your writings and podcasts, your gentle insight and thoughtful responses to questions. If it's any consolation DTs have resulted in the purchase of Good Clean Fun in Hardback and Paddle Your Own Canoe on Audible which is currently keeping me company on cold, wet, dark dog walks in Welsh autumn evenings.. take care and continue to entertain the world in so many different ways. Please and Thank You. Geoff

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Good luck with the remaining plates sir!

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I received an email with a refund today and was extremely confused, mainly because I haven't been watching the videos, just listening to the audio versions in my podcast app. Immediately jumping on the website, I watched the latest video and was very sad as I watched it. It's been fun listening to you answer questions from the Muleteers, and while the project won't continue in it's current form, I hope we do get some updates or questions answered on an irregular basis.

I think we also need a Muleteers truckers cap to buy. You know. For fun.

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Thank you for all your time, Nick. Regarding refunds, do you have any charitable causes you recommend?

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I would be interested as well.

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Thank you, Nick, for engaging with your audience in what felt like a very engaging and compassionate way. I have gotten A LOT out of your insightful posts, troll-free comment section, and suggestions of other beautiful content on Substack and elsewhere.

You inspired this nurse to begin writing a business plan for a caregiver co-op (Gingko Lane) and I'm sharing the process so others can see, learn, chime in, and maybe grow with me. Thank you for that.

You also inspired me to write a post about a Red Chicago Cubs cap, who has since visited St. Louis and now resides in Nixa, MO.

What I'm getting at: you've planted good seeds in your Donkey Thoughts, and I appreciate your time and attention. Please thank your dad, again, for the gardening advice a few months back. It made my day!

Stay well, and take good care!


Jessie Hammersmith, RN

Lombard, IL


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Thanks for being my gateway into Substack, Nick. Love you!

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Bummed that this is winding down (for now at least). This has been an enjoyable interlude to the week, and I look forward to your thoughts on the world when and where ever they may appear in the future.

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Thank you so much for sharing your ever-engaging and welcomed Donkey Thoughts, and for all of your kindly conversational insights. You’ll be missed in this regular venue, but we’ll all continue to enjoy your many talents in your other varied endeavors. Take care, Nick, and shine on!



Loveland CO

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HI Nick (This is Sheri Steffes Menelli) from your old grade school. Ask your mom/dad about Leroy and Nancy and coming over to play Canasta.

So glad that you are also into cattle. You mentioned them in past episodes. It is the only way to fix the water cycle - The bio carpet is essential to reintroduce Fungi back into the dirt to make soil and reverse desertification. (www.fixdesert.com) I'm into holistic management.


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SO SAD! I will surely miss your Donkey Thoughts and associated banter. I sincerely hope you return to a forum that inspires, entertains and informs us again.

Also, as a fellow Illlinois, Oak Park to be specific, I am a lifelong Cubs and Bears fan. I waited a long time for both the uper Bowl win AND the now legendary World Series "W".

I meant to ask you last week...where did you find that Cubs chapeau you wore on your video? The one with the U.S. Flag motif on the "C"? I would love to pick one up if possible. I would wear it whenever I read or re-read one of your books...which so far, I own the entire anthology. Continued success to you and your lovely wife. Michael

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I would recommend lids.com and fanatics.com to try to find the baseball hat with the red, white, and blue “C”

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Nick, I just wanted to let you know you were amazing on The Last Of Us (Feb 2023), last weekend…fantastic acting on everyone’s part and the writing for that episode was amazing! The only bummer is you were only in one episode! Not sure how much more zombie type shows I can handle in one lifetime, but I wanted to let you know I thought you were amazing…the only thing better would have been if it was Jeff Tweedy showed up at your gate!



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Hello Nick, I'm not sure if you are checking in here at all, but thought it was the best place to drop a message and tell you how terrific you were in The Last Of Us. What a great and unexpected performance. Fantastic.

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Sorry, didn’t see your post, but it’s worth repeating…now can Nick be up for an Oscar or an Emmy for that performance? No clue where “shows” that are on cable/streamed fall. He was amazing as well as all the other actors as well as the writing….And the show advanced like 15 years in one episode. Curious of what will happen, but I’m burned out on zombies! Cheers!

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