Hell, being 42 probably helps if anything, taking past experience and folding it into this next adventure.

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Great advice! My dad is not a carpenter by trade, but I am always amazed at the things he could create growing up. It is something for me to aspire to as I continue my journey.

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A new movie called "My Donkey, My Lover & I" just came out - That is certainly a Donkey Thought :)

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Over 20 years ago, I had the good fortune of being in the same room as Wendell Berry as he spoke to teachers who were learning to teach social studies. He had the demeanor of a poet and, for some reason, associated with this memory of mine is the poem, 'A Question,' by Robert Frost:

A Question

A voice said, Look me in the stars

and tell me truly, men of earth,

if all the soul-and-body scars

were not too much to pay for birth.

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"Hitting your thumb with a hammer" reminded me of the time I was using the mortice and tenon rig and unintentionally found my thumb underneath the air clamp, so when I turned on the pressure SLAM my thumb was flattened. I walked around the shop grimacing (and, yes, cursing) for a long time after that, unable to decide if ice or heat was the right solution. Ended up sticking my thumb in the frosted-over freezer compartment of our ancient refrigerator.

Ah, good times...

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You say "A wise teacher once told me that to always ensure myself of a happy life, simply maintain the attitude of a student"........ that is why every time I go with someone new to their favorite fishingwaters, I watch what they do and listen to what they say. I never show I am a Queen of Da Rod...... because I want to always learn one new thing every day. And remember, it is called 'fishing', not 'catching'.

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Well written, good sir!! Never stop learning or you stagnate ….and start smelling. 63 and I still learn something new everyday……not always by choice lol

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Once again, a wise teacher to the rescue!

Once, I had a wise teacher ask me if I had tried talking to my locker nicely right after witnessing the swift kick and who-knows-what choice words were delivered. The first time I was on the other side of those words, no straight stoic face was held, I burst out laughing and mentioned that’s about how much I enjoyed hearing it for the first time and that it grew in me over time.

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In/on, tomato/tomahto too bad fat fingers aren’t to blame!

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Thank you always for the encouragement. I didn't get to listen yet, but I will. I'm riding the struggle bus. I'm a nurse, had covid at the beginning of this month, and sincerely believe I have long covid. I also sincerely mean this when I say: Healthcare- Capital-H kept failing me. The holes in n the Swiss cheese kept lining up. My safety net is full of holes.

Help!! We need help down here. I need to heal, so I read Healing by Theresa Brown RN.

NEXT I intend to THRIVE. So I'm writing, singing, and playing THRIVING. Help me help healthcare workers thrive. Not just nurses. We're not JUST nurses. We're phlebotomy, therapy, chaplaincy, listeners, speakers.

I can't stop coughing. It's not an emergency. It doesn't feel urgent. Or it DIDN'T. Until Healthcare kept dropping me. They aren't hearing me, and I'm a nurse. I'm a nurse, and my voice and cough are falling on deaf ears. Ears that are getting tired. Covid fatigue. Not doing it on purpose.

But I keep trying to follow the rules, and the RULES AND SYSTEMS ARE ANTIQUATED AND BROKEN.

We need new tools. We need to sharpen the old ones that are still useful.

Our boat is sinking. There's a hole in the bottom. And a shit storm above.

Sometimes someone means well and hands me an umbrella. But... but but but...

What about all the shit on the deck?

Grab a mop, a screwdriver, a megaphone. Healthcare workers need HELP. Right meow.



Jessie Hammersmith

Lombard, IL

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I'm no carpenter, woodworker or luthier, but I love and collect well-made wooden instruments that incorporate beautiful, exotic woods. How might one procure an Offerman-man ukulele, as pictured in your photo?

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You whippersnappers make me feel so spritely in my old age. I do not do woodwork, but I do like to make pretty pictures and write books. I believe the act of creation rejuvenates the body and the soul, but it does not always fill the wallet. You have discovered that perfect balance of creation of art and money, a serendipitous event indeed!

As you wend your way through the valley of creative and financial happiness, tell us - what is the creative or leisurely path you have not yet travelled, one that you are contemplating but have yet to commit? We wish to goad you into yet more thrilling adventures, so we may ride along!

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