Marie-Lisa from Aotearoa (New Zealand), asks,
“I just recently, finally, made the jump into construction project management (my dream field). As a woman in a male-dominated field I have to deal with a lot of "banter", usually at the expense of my fellow vagina-owners ("women! right?! ugh!" *insert eyeroll here*).
Since you have worked in many male-dominated industries yourself, what are your two cents on men acting like gatekeeping douche-canoes? What can be done to encourage more women not only entering but thriving in these otherwise wonderful fields?”
Thank you so much for your question, Marie-Lisa.
I know so many tradespeople who are decent and ethical, and it’s a drag that the typically old-fashioned misogynists still give us all a bad name. Let’s those of us that strive to not be douche-canoes do our best to weed the others out until the majority of people in the trades are boringly respectful of one another.
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