
An Entire Repast of Berry

With a Barb of Moss on the side.

Hello, Muleteers, and welcome to Donkey Thoughts.

My pal Heath Racela (Quarantine Creatives on Substack, used to produce Ask This Old House) asked me to recommend a starting point for consuming the works of my favorite author, Wendell Berry. That made this entry very easy. You can shop for these titles at The Berry Center, or your favorite local independent bookstore, or use indiebound.org to find a good online independent bookseller in case you can’t make it to town.

Please leave me your questions in the comments below, and if you like that water bottle in the photo, it also comes in tangerine. At least it used to, I should probably check the store inventory before I dangle such a tasty carrot. Have a beautiful day, neighbors.


If you can survive without videos of me slow-talking once in a while, then please continue to enjoy the free fare. However, if you just got to have that candy, then by all means become a paying patron. I am grateful for you all, except the Rooster. You know what you did.